
A list of known Magento errors and what they mean.

This error is thrown when the connector wants to link products which were not created correctly earlier. We suggest to check your original job execution for errors concerning the specific sku.

This Magento error is thrown when multiple products with the same name are getting exported. Because Magento’s url keys must be unique and Magento’s default is to use product names for url_keys this can give errors.

Make sure to have unique product names OR add an url_key attribute in Akeneo and map it to Magento url_key. These fields MUST be unique.

This Magento error says nothing. After testing, it turned out that it was the file name of the image. This can be a maximum of 90 characters. With the ‘reformat_image_name’ oro setting active, the connector will take care of long filenames.
Make sure to have a product name. This field is required in Magento for product creation. You can avoid these errors by adding Akeneo’s name attribute (attribute mapped on Magento’s name) to the family completeness requirements.
An internal Magento problem. There’s not much we can do about this unfortunately.
This means that the connector wants to link a child product to a parent product without axe options. Make sure that all family variant axe attributes are present in the connectors configuration.
Image names contains invalid characters. Change you image name and try again.
Probably a option mapping that’s wrong. Delete this specific option mapping and try again. In Magento all option labels of one attribute must be unique.
The connector want’s to receive information about a queue item which is not available anymore in Magento. Probably Magento has cleared it’s operation table or a new database dump was installed.
503 code - Magento is probably in maintenance mode. Please look in Magento’s var folder for a .maintenance.flag file. Add Akeneo’s IP to the .maintenance.ip file. 0 code - Magento probably cannot handle the speed of data. Check Magento monitoring.

Connections to Magento that run on hypernode systems sometimes do not work when set up. You will not see an error or success message. There is a good chance that it concerns the following message:

The Magento team released security update Magento ``2.0``.``3` `on March 30th ``2017``. 
This release contains a security fix that restricts access to anonymous web APIs. Read more. 
We recommend you to update your Magento version to Magento ``2.0``.``3` `instead of blocking the API. 
In March ``2016``, Paul Bosselaar and others discovered that the Magento ``2` `API by ``default` `discloses information that can be considered ``private``:  All products, including offline/disabled products, pricing rules, stock information. 
A competitor could monitor your stock and see exactly how many products you sell and when. Admin token generation. 
This requires admin credentials, but there is no rate limit. 
Magento forced an obscured admin login URL, but that is of no use when an attacker can brute force the API. 
Site and store configuration. The API will tell you which other stores/URLs are configured ``for` `this` `shop.
At the time of writing (``2016``), Magento has responded that “``this` `is as designed”. 
We discussed ``this` `with our partners and some were highly surprised. 
So to be on the safe side, we have ``protected` `unauthorized access ``for` `specific API methods ``for` `all our customers. 
Some quick conclusions: Your shop is running on Hypernode? We have got you covered! 
You’re shop is hosted somewhere ``else``? See below ``for` `instructions TABLE OF CONTENTS  I``'m a Hypernode User I '``m Not a Hypernode User  I'm a Hypernode User Several API methods that might leak confidential data are ``protected` `by ``default``: V1/products``V1/store/storeViews``V1/store/storeConfigs ` `If you need to allow one or more of these URLs to be accessable, you can easily modify the ``default` `configuration

This can be solved by deactivating the product protection on these Hypernode environments.

This error is thrown when Magento expects a price value but didn’t get one. Errors like these are mostly related because of wrong product mappings. If you remove products in Magento directly without cleaning up the related Akeneo product mapping table, the connector will try to update products instead of creating them. Based on the configuration we send or don’t send price information when updating products. If this payload is being used for product creation (because Magento thinks he needs to create this product instead of updating it) this error will occur.