Adding a new Magento export job can be done trough the export profile management page. Three (five with reference entities and reference data) new export types were added.
- Magento export
- Magento image export
- Magento queue export
- Magento reference entity export (must be activated - EE only. See topic “references”)
- Magento reference data export (must be programmed first. See topic “references”)
Job profiles
Magento export
When configuring an export of this type, we see that we have four tabs.
Field code | Description |
Code | The unique job code |
Label | The label of this job |
Export products only | If activated only the product step will get executed. |
User roles | Default empty. After adding user roles only the users which have these roles assigned will see the grid ‘quick export’ actions of this job profile. |
Enable for quick exports | Yes or no. Default yes. Disabling this setting will remove the grid ‘quick export’ action. |
Inherit export filters | Inherit product export filters on quick export yes er no. Default no. |
Magento API settings
Field code | Description |
Credentials | Link one of the configured credentials - see topic “credentials manager” |
Linked configuration | Read only field. Displays the connected configuration - see topic “configuration entity” |
Store mapping | The configured store mapping. See more info below |
Export categories | Default false. Export full category tree or not. The master tree of the configured channel will be used. |
Export attribute groups | Default false. Create the Akeneo attribute groups in Magento or not. If not, all attributes will be stored under one group ‘Akeneo attributes’. |
Export family delta data | Default true. Export family delta data or not. Delta data is based on the last successful export date of the current export profile. Jobs with the status COMPLETE or WAITING FOR EXTERNAL QUEUE are successful. |
Export attribute delta data | Default true. Export attribute delta data or not. |
Export product value delta data | Default true. Export product delta data or not. More info below. |
Export product category linking | Default true. Export product / category linking or not. If set to false, the products will not be linked to their categories. |
Create separated unit attributes | Default false. Create a second attribute for metric attributes. This attribute will be used for storing the metric UNIT (for example CENTIMETER). |
Reassign the ab mapped attributes to the attribute groups and families | Default false. If set to yes, A - B mapped attributes will be moved again to their attribute group. |
Products batch size | Default 100. The number of products been send in one batch. |
Magento API default settings for this job type
Field code | Description |
with_media | Always false. This export will never send any image data. We have a separate job for that. |
mediaOnly | Always false. Does not apply here. |
Default Akeneo. Will not be discussed here. The only important note is that the locales configured under the storemapping must be active here as well.
Default Akeneo. Will not be discussed here.
The Magento connector was written in a way that all necessary entities will be exported in ONE export flow. Except for the images. This means that only one job needs to be configured for exporting categories, attributes, attribute groups, attribute options, families, products, product models, … To ensure that all data is present before creating products we need to maintain a specific export order. Five export steps were created:
- category export - for creating the category tree if enabled
- attribute export - will create the attributes that are configured in the general UI. See the user configuration documentation for more information.
- family export - creation of attribute sets in Magento. This step will create the attribute sets, the attribute groups and will link the attributes as well.
- Attribute option update export - will push option UPDATES by the Induxx events bundle. Be aware that creating options is done in the product export step.
- Reference option update export - EE only. This will push reference option UPDATES by the Induxx events bundle. Be aware that creating options is done in the product export step.
- product export - will export (configurable) products and the attribute options based on the product values. This means that only the necessary attribute options are created and linked to the products.
Once the export is finished without any fatal errors, a new job status will be given. The status code 50, which stands for ‘WAITING FOR EXTERNAL QUEUE’. This means that all data was successfully pushed to the queue of Magento. Magento will now start importing this queue. Depending on the size of this export, and the amount of storeviews it can take a while to see your product changes.
The status of this export job will change from ‘WAITING FOR EXTERNAL QUEUE’ to ‘COMPLETE’ once Magento is finished importing and the Magento queue job has run. See the documentation page ‘Magento queue handling’ for more information.
The status ‘WAITING FOR EXTERNAL QUEUE’ will be only used in versions lower than 6.0. For version >= 6 the status complete is given directly.
Magento image export
Same as the Magento export
Magento API settings
Field code | Description |
Credentials | Link one of the configured credentials - see topic “credentials manager” |
Linked configuration | Read only field. Displays the connected configuration - see topic “configuration entity” |
Store mapping | The configured store mapping. See more info below |
Products batch size | Default 10. The number of products been send in one batch. |
Magento API default settings for this job type
Field code | Description |
with_media | Always yes. This export will always send image data. |
mediaOnly | Always yes. We only want to send image related data. No other product values |
Same as the Magento export
Same as the Magento export
In this export job we only export the product export step. We filter product values on image data. This job also gets the ‘WAITING FOR EXTERNAL QUEUE’ status when finished. See above for more information.
Magento queue export
When configuring an export of this type, we see that we have 3 tabs.
Same as the Magento export
Magento API settings
Field code | Description |
Credentials | Link one of the configured credentials - see topic “credentials manager” |
Linked configuration | Read only field. Displays the connected configuration - see topic “configuration entity” |
Same as the Magento export
Because the Magento queue job is a little more complicated we created an own topic for this. See the “Follow up queue” topic.
Store mapping
A list of the Magento storeviews code according to json format. A separate API bulk export call will run for each store view. When configuring the store mapping a specific format is expected. An example of this json format.
The ALL (default Magento) storeview code is Magento’s default store. The locales given are the Akeneo locales. In this example the en_GB locale values of Akeneo will be send to Magento default store. Also the EURO price currency values will be used. For the other storeviews (inheriting from the all default) we use Magento’s storeview code. We also add Magento’s internal store id to the list.