Unzip the zipped bundle into your project src directory
unzip easycatalog-*.zip to src/*
Enable the bundle in ~/config/bundles.php file
# ~/config/bundles.php
Induxx\Bundle\EasyCatalogBundle\InduxxEasyCatalogBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Add an Easy Catalog routing file to your project ~/config/routes/easy_catalog.yml
# ~/config/routes/easy_catalog.yml
resource: "@InduxxEasyCatalogBundle/Resources/config/routing/easy_catalog_api.yml"
update the ~/config/packages/security.yml file
under firewalls above the firewall of api_index:
# ~/config/packages/security.yml
pattern: ^/api/rest/induxx
security: false
under access_control:
- { path: ^/api/rest/induxx, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
Download example bundle bellow:
Place the example files in your project src file and change filenames and namespace to match your project.
Add the following code to your ~/config/services.yml
# ~/config/services.yml
original: Akeneo\Pim\Structure\Component\Model\Family
override: Project\Bundle\ProjectBundle\Entity\Family